
link_to (Haml)タグにクラス名をつける

syntax error, unexpected keyword_ensure, expecting end-of-input Haml in Rails:画像をリンクにするときのエラー: 間違えたコード: = link_to %a{:href => "file:///Users/HOkaniwa/Desktop/IBplat%202/Questions%23index_home.html"} = image_tag "lo…

syntax error, unexpected keyword_ensure, expecting keyword_end

RubyonRailsでHamlを使ってアクションindexを用いたいときのエラー: syntax error, unexpected keyword_ensure, expecting keyword_end 元のコード - @questions.each do |question| %tr %td= question.question_title %td= question.created_at %td= quest…

Haml aタグまとめ

How to add an image to the contents using HAML?stackoverflow.com 33down voteaccepted Outside any kind of framework: %img(src="/images/loading.gif") The older, more verbose but flexible syntax: %img{:src => "/images/loading.gif"} If you’re …